Master's Degree

by Portal PPGBiocomb
Published: 21/05/2019 - 17:21
Last modification: 17/05/2021 - 15:09

Candidate profile: 

For Master's Degree, the selection process is semiannual, with entries in March and August of each year. The selection process will take place in the months of February and July of each year, according to the calendar published in a specific notice, and at the institution of the intended advisor.

Candidates graduated from regular higher education courses recognized or revalidated by a competent state or federal higher education Institution, in accordance with current legislation may apply for the Academic Master's Course.

Admission to the Master's Course will be subject to approval in a selection exam consisting of: evaluation of the academic record of the undergraduate course, evaluation of the curriculum vitae and written test. The scoring criteria will be regulated by specific regulations of the Program and made available in a Public Notice.

Initial approval: University resolution 5/98, Consun - 26/06/1998

Minimum completion time: 12 months

Regular completion time: 24 months

CAPES evaluation level: 2017 – Concept 5